Future Plans
Future plans for stabilized initiatives include covering more schools under Adopted Schools Initiatives, increasing the number of Asha Deep Centres to twenty & further streamlining Open Scholarship Initiative, with increased financial support. Within the Open Scholarship Scheme, plans are afoot to start a stream of “Shining Stars” based on clearly defined guidelines. The students covered will be from 11th standard onwards. These outstanding and needy students will then be provided significantly higher financial support and will also be groomed through regular interactions and guidance etc.
Of the two recent initiatives, while ADMS has moved to a new functionally & aesthetically designed centre near Sursagar, Project Kayakalp has also found a new home at Baroda High School, Danteshwar where both regular teaching & specialised coaching are being done at the same location. After initial stabilisation in 2019 -20, a major expansion is planned in 2020 – 21.
Efforts are also being started to identify a primary school where the alternative model of ADMS could be tried on a larger scale and with local area students of socio-economically weaker sections of our society. Once successful, it could be presented to the society at large as an effective way of reducing disparity between various segments of society by ensuring that socio-economically weaker sections also have excess to quality education.
Another major initiative, Guidance-to-Destination (Marg Darshan) in being conceptualised that will focus on guidance, counselling, vocational training and entrepreneurship. It is hoped that, in time, it will become a single stop, high quality hand-holding centre for students from weaker sections of our society.